Our hearts, lives, and outlook changes forever when we have children. We are not the same ever again. I would not want to be that pre-child person either! Because of being a parent I was a better teacher. Just think, the 34 years of my working life would have been less satisfying. Perhaps, I might not have known what I was missing, but I certainly understand now. They were never just 'students'. They were someone's child. I treated them like I hoped other teachers treated my children - seeing them as individuals with infinite potential who deserved the best I could give them. And some of them left lasting imprints on my heart.
So our hearts are wrenched and torn; separation is so painful and so inevitable. Once again we are thankful for their successful moving on, but we must learn to live with the pain of their leaving. Change our routine, look for other thoughts to fill our minds, and remember the blessing of this joyous pain.
Then something happens that changes everything. A grandchild! Oh dear.... here we go again!
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