Monday, October 18, 2010

Deja Vu

We went to Linda O'Brien's memorial service on Saturday. It was everything a memorial service should be. Friends and family reflecting on happy memories, laughter, tears, poems; all heartfelt. There were wonderful picture boards showing Linda's life as full and happy.  It was a reminder of the awesome importance of family. Family that extends to those you love and who love you, even those that are not related through your bloodline.  It was a time that began healing the broken hearts that most acutely felt her loss.  She was a person of deep faith.  For a quiet person, she was prone to humor, laughter, and smiles that lit her up from the inside.  She loved deeply and unselfishly. She was a person to remember and emulate.  Thankfully, her gentle, loving spirit can be seen every time you are around her children, Kathy and Tim.

A most special time during the service was a reading by her brother, Jim Harrer.  Both grandfathers were Lutheran ministers and Jim read from a book of prayers that had been passed down through the family.  The prayer was printed and read both in German and in English.  It is so beautiful and I would like to remember it and the moment always.

Abendlied                                                                              An Evening Prayer
Muede bin ich, geh zur Ruh                                           I am tired, go to sleep,
Schliesse beide Aueglein zu;                                        Close both my little eyes;
Vater lass die Augen dein                                             Father let Your eyes
ueber meinem Bette sein.                                              Be over my bed.

Hab ich Unrecht heut gethan,                                    If I have done wrong today,
seih es lieber Gott, nicht an.                                        See it not, beloved God.
Deine Gnab und Jesu Blut                                            Your grace and Christ's blood
macht ja allen Schaden gut.                                       Truly makes all bad things good.

Alle die mir sind verwandt ,                                        All that I care about,
Gott, lass ruhn in deiner Hand,                                  God, let rest in Your hand.
alle Menschen gross und klein                                    All people big and small
sollen dir befohlen sein.                                                 Should be following You.

Kranken Herzen sende Ruh,                                          Broken hearts send rest,
nasse Augen schliesse zu;                                              Teary eyes be closed;
lass den Mond am Himmel stehn                                Let the moon stand in heaven
und die stille Welt besehn.                                             And view a peaceful world.

Is that not beautiful?

At the end of the day, we stopped at the King's home to see the kids and Ben.  Only Shelby had come to the service.  What a treat - all of their children plus all of the cousins were out playing and running around.  They had been building a fort; or more specifically a series of forts. They were soooo smudgy with dirt, paint, and I don't know what all... They were beautiful!  After such an emotional day of reflecting on life and family, I was transported back in time to a place where life was simple and good.  A time where there were still troubles and problems, but their sharpness and ability to wound was less.  

At my age, funerals have a deju vu effect to them.  Older, younger, my peers - I have been touched in some way by each life whose funeral I attended.  But it is Life, not death, that I am reminded of.  The deja vu is the whisper of happiness, thankfulness, and faith.

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